Weekly Quran Recitation
Everybody recites one Juz of the Quran per week, or listens to that Juz and follows the texts while listening, or reads/listens to the translation in his/her language. The thawab of recitation is dedicated to Ahl al-Bayt.
To join this group please fill out this form.

How to listen to Quran and its translation at the same time?

Go to https://tanzil.net/
In the translation section, pick one of the choices from your desired language that has an audio sign 🔊 in front of it. For example, for Persian you can choose مکارم شیرازی or for Urdu you can choose جالندبری
Check the option Play translation
Click the play button ►
It will first play the verse in Arabic and then play the translation right after it.